Please Read the Following Information and Guidelines Carefully and Note that Transcripts
Applications are Treated on First-Come, First-Served Basis:
. Local Transcript to Equivalent Academic Institutions: Transcripts request to equivalent
academic institutions within Nigeria cost the sum of Fifteen Thousand Naira (N15,000) only.
Graduates requesting for the above transcripts request type are required to upload NOUN
Certificate/Statement of Result, Birth Certificate and Remita Receipt along with the following
evidences of application for admission, to be scanned as a single pdf file through the
document upload fields:
i. Remita receipt/evidence of payment of admission form of the receiving institution
ii. Application form for the programme applied for at the receiving institution
iii. Transcript Label or Academic Records Request Form of the receiving institution
iv. Provisional/Conditional Offer of Admission Letter of the receiving institution
B. Credit Transfer: This is for active students intending to transfer their studies to another
University bearing in mind that their portal will be closed and they will not graduate from
NOUN. Students requesting for this transcript request type are required to upload birth
certificate and Remita Receipt through the document upload fields.
i. Local Credit Transfer: Credit Transfer to equivalent institutions within Nigeria cost the sum
of Fifteen Thousand Naira (N15,000) only.
ii. International Credit Transfer: Credit Transfer to equivalent institutions outside Nigeria
cost the sum of Thirty Thousand Naira (N30,000) only.
C. Continental Transcript Request: Transcripts request to equivalent institutions or evaluation
agencies within Africa that do not require transcript verification cost the sum of Thirty
Thousand Naira (N30,000) only.
This transcript request type requires the upload of NOUN certificate or statement of result.
Birth Certificate and Remita Receipt through the document upload fields.
D. Intercontinental Transcript Request: Transcript requests to equivalent institutions or
evaluation agencies outside Africa cost the sum of Forty-Five Thousand Naira (N45,000)
This transcript request type requires the upload of NOUN certificate or statement of result.
Birth Certificate and Remita Receipt through the document upload fields.
E. Transcript Request to Evaluation Agencies (e.G World Education Service (WES), Josef
Silny & Associates etc): This transcript request type is for graduates applying for evaluation
of their transcripts through WES or Josef Silny & Associates. The cost for this transcript
request type is Fifty Thousand Naira (N50,000) only which includes cost of International
Transcript request and Verification.
This transcript request type requires the upload of NOUN certificate or statement of Result and
Evaluation Agency Forms, e.G., WES Academic Request Form, should be uploaded as a single pdf file, while the birth certificate, declaration of age, and Remita Receipt should be uploaded separately through the document upload fields.
F. Transcript to Educational Consultants: Transcript request to verifiable Educational
Consultants and agencies in Nigeria that have websites and official emails cost the sum of FortyFive Thousand Naira (N45,000) only.
This transcript request type requires the upload of NOUN certificate or statement of result.
Birth Certificate and Remita Receipt through the document upload fields
G. Document Verification (e.G Certificate, Admission Letter/Transcript): The cost of
verifying the authenticity of Certificate/Admission Letter/Transcript issued by NOUN is
Fifteen Thousand Naira (N15,000) only per certificate, admission letter, or transcript.
H. Online Certificate Request to Local Destination: The cost of sending NOUN Certificate to
a destination in Nigeria after due verification is Twenty-Five Thousand Naira (N25,000)
I. Online Certificate Request to International Destination: The cost of sending NOUN
Certificate to a destination outside Nigeria after due verification is Fifty Thousand Naira
(N50,000) only
J. Request for Letters: The cost of requesting for any of the under listed letters is Ten
Thousand Naira (N10,000) only per request:
i. Proficiency in English Letter
ii. Recommendation Letter
iii. Introduction Letter
iv. Progress Report Letter
• Payment of cash or any additional amount outside the aforementioned approved fee to any
official of the University is prohibited.
A. Guideline on Electronic Copy of Transcript for Official Emails or Upload on Application
Websites of Receiving Institutions/Agencies:
• Official Transcripts can only be forwarded to the official email of the recipient.
institutions or agencies bearing the name of such institutions or agencies as the email domain name
e.G internationaladmissions@nameofuniversity.Com,
deanpgschool@nameofuniversity.Edu.Ng, something@nameofagency.Com, etc
• If you require upload of electronic copy of the official transcript for receiving
institutions or agencies’ website or link, you are expected to provide in the “Transcript Label”
field the link/URL of the upload portal with the username and password to access the page
for the upload to be done on your behalf.
B. Additional Application Guidelines for Graduates Applying for Transcripts to be Sent to
WES, ECCTIS, ICES, DCA, Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. And Other Evaluation
• When filling in your details, remember to fill in your Reference or inquiry ID or number (if applicable) in the “Transcript Label” field
• Forms from Evaluation Agencies e.G “WES Academic Records Request Form” should be
properly filled before uploading through document upload field.
C. Additional Application Guidelines for Nursing Graduates Applying for Transcript to be
Sent to NNAS, CGFNS, NMBI and other Nursing Evaluation Agencies
• In filling in your details, remember to fill in your Reference or Enquiry ID/Number (if
applicable) in the “Transcript Label” field.
• Upload the following documents to be scanned as a single pdf file through the document
upload fields using the appropriate label:
i. Forms from Evaluation Agencies, e.G CGFNS Forms, NNAS Forms, etc
ii. Clinical Attachment Log Book from your Study Centre or Hospital of Clinical
D. Guideline on Transcript Destination Address:
• Where Official Academic Transcript can be sent to
i. Academic Transcripts CAN ONLY be forwarded to the correct address of the Dean of
Postgraduate School of Universities or Head of Admission, Student Recruitment
Officers/Advisor, Heads of EQUIVALENT Academic Institutions, Scholarship Boards,
Educational Consulting Firms and Embassies for academic purposes.
ii. The Equivalent Academic Institutions, Scholarship Boards, Educational Consulting Firms
and Embassies must have functional websites.
• Where Official Academic Transcript CAN NOT be sent to:
i. Official Academic Transcripts CAN NOT be issued directly to students or individuals. It
CAN NOT be sent to location address, personal email or official email of the student or
individual (i.E. Johnsons@yahoo.Com or marcus@noun.Edu.Ng)
ii. Official Academic Transcripts CAN NOT be collected by hand
iii. Official Academic Transcripts CAN NOT be sent through any third-party organization (soft or
hard copy) that is not of the status of an equivalent
iv. Official Academic Transcripts CAN NOT be sent to companies/organization for the purpose
of employment, however a request for the verification of the person’s certificate can be made
for this purpose.
Please click on http://transcript.Nou.Edu.Ng/ for your request.
Please ensure you type the appropriate information in the field provided for Recipient, e.G The
Dean/Secretary of Postgraduate School, Admission Officer or Student Recruitment
If you require any information or help, please call, text or via mail:
i. 08167424141 - undergraduatetranscripts@noun.Edu.Ng for Undergraduate
ii. 08115032088 - pgtranscripts@noun.Edu.Ng for Postgraduate Transcript.
13 January 2025
02 January 2025
18 December 2024
02 December 2024
02 December 2024
The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has been ranked 1st in Nigeria for online learning by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities...
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