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New Policy: The Department's Stance On Students' Research Project Completion

August 9, 2023

The recent attitude exhibited by students towards the completion of their research projects has raised concerns within the department. The lackadaisical approach towards this crucial academic endeavour has prompted the department to take decisive action. In a unanimous resolution, the department has put forth a new policy regarding the submission of final copies of students' projects.

Moving forward, students whose projects have successfully undergone moderation are now required to revisit the study centre for a comprehensive review of their work. This step aims to ensure that all necessary corrections are incorporated, thus guaranteeing the highest standards of academic excellence. Additionally, students are obligated to submit the final versions of their projects, which must be properly bound and presented in the appropriate colors as outlined by the department's guidelines.

The Significance of the Departmental Copy
Among the copies submitted, a designated hard copy, referred to as the Departmental Copy, carries significant importance. This specific copy will be transmitted from the study centre to the department itself. Serving as a pre-requisite for graduation, this copy acts as a tangible representation of the students' hard work and dedication throughout their academic journey. It symbolizes the successful completion of a rigorous research process and marks a milestone in their educational pursuit.

Implications for Graduation
The department's decision to implement this policy is not without reason. Making sure that the department receives all final copies of projects has important ramifications, particularly for the graduation procedure. Moving forward, any student, whether at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, who fails to submit their project to the department within the stipulated timeframe will not be eligible for graduation. This stringent measure emphasises the integral role that research projects play in a student's academic journey and the overall academic integrity of the institution.

In conclusion, the department's dissatisfaction with students' lack of commitment towards the completion of their research projects has led to the introduction of a comprehensive policy. This policy mandates that students revisit the study centre for thorough reviews and corrections before submitting appropriately bound final copies. The departmental copy, transmitted to the department from the study centre, holds paramount importance in the graduation process. As the institution moves forward with this policy, it aims to cultivate a culture of academic excellence, dedication, and responsibility among its students.

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